Wednesday, September 22

It DOES get better with time

The Italians have an expression "canta che ti passa' sing and let it pass. To every kid who is teased, abused or made fun of at school for being -fill in the blank- and thinks it's never going to end, let me assure you that like a kidney stone-it will pass. Remember that none of this painful heartache will matter in 5 years. You'll probably never see your tormentors again-until a 25 year reunion where the Schenfeude will be thick with irony.

I bring this up because Dan Savage reported on an incident where a gay teen committed suicide after relentless bullying at school- again. This epidemic has been going on for some time but the media a pays it no attention. Despite all the talk about protecting children and zero tolerance for bullies in school blah, blah it goes on unbaited-why? Because the adults view bullying and harassment as a rite of passage, especially with boys. They had to deal with it, so do you-"suck it up loser" goes the mentality. There are plenty of guilty parties in these events to justify their non interference with a cold shrug that they had it coming, they weren't man enough to blow it off, who cares about gays anyway etc.

These are fucking teenagers with raging hormones and no clue what's going on. It behoove adults to let them know the bright outcome of this dark ride known as adolescence. It gets better, really it does.

High School sucks, being a teenager sucks, I know I've been there like everyone else. Oh there may be exceptions, but I have never heard anyone remember their teenage years fondly. Angst, uncertainity and a gnawing suspicion you are different from everyone else and no one understand you, haunt you. Sound familiar? We have all been there.

I was miserable as an awkward, shy, socially clueless 17 year old who was viewed as an eccentric weirdo by most -including my family. Now as a full blown grown up I look back on those years and smile because I'm happier, healthier and get along just fine thank you. I take pride in the knowledge that I was smarter than those miserable dumbfucks. And I sing.

Wednesday, September 15

The Bliss of Ignorance

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” — Isaac Asimov.

Enuff said.

Sunday, September 5

How to Save the World

The problem

“In the punditry business, it's considered bad form to question the essential wisdom of the American people. But at this point, it's impossible to ignore the obvious: The American people are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. . . . The nation demands the impossible: quick, painless solutions to long-term, structural problems. While they're running for office, politicians of both parties encourage this kind of magical thinking. When they get into office, they're forced to try to explain that things aren't quite so simple -- that restructuring our economy, renewing the nation's increasingly rickety infrastructure, reforming an unsustainable system of entitlements, redefining America's position in the world and all the other massive challenges that face the country are going to require years of effort. But the American people don't want to hear any of this. They want somebody to make it all better. Now.”

The columnist points out something that is more and more obvious to many: stop waiting for the media, social science, and most importantly- the government to fix things. Stop struggling with hug, complex problems that seem insurmountable because they seem to require equally complex solutions. We need to fix them ourselves.

The solutions range from micro farming, to being self sufficient to simply learning to recycle. The popular slow food movement which encourages buying and eating local produce was a reaction to corporate food production which has proven to be dubious and un trustworthy in quality.

We can change our lives in so many little ways that have far reaching effect in ways we could ever imagine. As these sources point out, the best way to deal with the big scary world is to reduce it to a manageable level.

Reduce, reuse and recycle is not just a clever slogan it’s a lifestyle we can all embrace.

Saturday, September 4

What He said

Big Brother Doesn't Want to You to Think

"Speak up for yourself or you'll end up a rug". -Mae West.

Man people are so polarized. I am constantly astounded and amazed at the vitriol being spewed these days under the guise of political discussion. Like this fellow let’s get to the business of what to do about it. Let’s have a debate not an argument. There is a long history and methodology to debate where one presents a point with facts to back it up, then a counterpoint is offered in a thoughtful, intelligent manner. Arguing is “You’re wrong, I’m right go to hell ”. Not productive. There are ways to enter into debate that are civilized and useful.

One, always be polite, no shouting or ranting it tunes out any effective listening. Speak in a calm, conversational tone and stay on topic.

Two, acknowledge the other point of view, even that old sexist gas bag St. Paul ( oops personal insults are a no-no ) would comment positively on the locals religious habits them suggest a new improved God, the Christian God in his patter. He would have been a great car salesman.

Three, as pointed out always call the person on the source of the information they are repeating. Make it personal. Where did you hear this? What is the motive behind such claims? Where is the proof? Have you been directly affected?

When the dictator of Romania was arrested ( I can't spell his name, sorry) people told stories of the secret police. A western reporter promptly asked if anyone in the crowd had ever been arrested or recall anyone taken away by the police and surprise! none of them could. They were brainwashed to believe it just like other people believe what they hear.

Consider these suggestions in your own internal dialogue. Are you in control of your response and understanding of what is being said? If what you hear triggers a highly charged emotional response in you, you can bet that was the intention. Calm down and question whether that response is valid or not. Stay informed, listen to different points of view in politics, news, etc. and always consider what you hear with a healthy dose of skepticism.

There is more value in someone engaging in critical thinking than converting them. What is important here is getting people to think for themselves, otherwise they are just sheep. We got enough of them.

Now go forth and educate.