Friday, August 17

Security Theater and The Barbarossa Effect

Recently a man fell off his jet ski, swam to shore, and calmly walked across two runaways and into a terminal at JFK airport -dripping wet- before being spotted by an employee.The elaborate and very expensive security system meant to catch such an intrusion failed. How many other airports employ this fancy security system that doesn't work?  Meanwhile passengers are practically being striped searched by the ineffective TSA before getting on a plane.

The Department of Homeland Security is engaged in a security ruse. They spend little time on local made terrorists who have killed people, set fires to places of worship and generally threatened the safety of the public. Instead, an inordinate amount of time, energy, our money and media distraction is spent on the looming  non existent threat from foreigners. Obviously the DHS is more interested in Islamist terrorists than right wing extremists because the perceived threat of "foreigners" feeds our xenophobia. This re enforces the need for a more militarized police force and the exploitive practices of the DHS trampling on our civil rights.

This form of  "mission creep" is a variation of what I call the Barbarossa Effect.  In the movie of the same name Willie Nelson plays a bandit who married the daughter of a wealthy Mexican rancher. He set out to kill Nelson's character who is supposedly terrorizing the local village. But here's the twist, as long as Barbarossa is alive the rancher can justify offering "protection" to the frightened villagers to maintain his own power. When henchmen inform the rancher they killed Barbarossa, he explains how they killed their golden goose. Gary Busy, a clumsy oaf Nelson befriends', takes Nelson's place, and so Barbarossa lives on.

It's the same scam used to justify the cold war, the war on drugs and now the war on terror. As long as people think there is a reason to be afraid, our government will increase it's invasion of our rights to maintain their power. It's not Homeland security, it's job security.

Wednesday, August 15

Capturing Light in a Bottle

This is the coolest, spookiest thing I have ever seen. A single photon is caught on film using a camera that shoots at a ridiculously high speed. The image is amazing. The applications are many but surprisingly the study of photons and it's properties was not listed.

What once was impossible is now visible. We can view single atoms and experiments have shown quantum mechanics in action. A hundred years ago Quantum Mechanics was just a bold theory that most physicists thought couldn't be proved with observation. Maybe in another hundred years we will be able to observe the predictions of String theory.

Wednesday, August 8

A Lesson in Indentification

It seems recent events have once again shown how lacking social studies are in this country to the point that some dumb fucks don't know the difference between various cultures and religions because - well it doesn't matter cause they're not Amurricans!

So here is a refresher course. This is is a Sikh:

The men wear beards and turbans as part of their religious identity. They have nothing to do with Islam. In fact, in some parts of the world they don't like Muslims.

These are Muslims. Most are not terrorists in fact, only a very small percentage would be classified as extremists. The vast majority of Muslims  DO NOT condone violence of any kind. In some parts of the world, particularly Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan, Muslims have beards and wear what looks like a turban. Usually it's a cap like the ones in the above picture. Otherwise they look pretty much like everyone else. Many men don't even have a beard.

So stop jumping to confused and ignorant conclusions the next time you see someone  in this country wearing a turban because they are a Sikh not a muslim. Got it?

Wednesday, August 1

Quantum Physics or Duh!

I love quantum physics, everyone thinks it strange, mysterious and confusing. Even physicists! But sometimes it seems pretty apparent what's going on. I came across this puzzling video. I was not aware of the wave function (whatever it is) until I saw this but the idea that it could be real makes complete sense to me.

Years ago when I worked at the YMCA and waited for the light bulb guys to come with a delivery I sat in the office reading an article in the Smithsonian Magazine. it was about the weird behavior of electrons, they don't go through a wall, they hit it and just appear on the other side of it. If you affect the spin ( not literally a spin, that's just what they call it -play along) of an electron in space A, the spin of an electron in space B - maybe somewhere on the moon will also be affected.

Wow, man the author opined, electrons and the world of quantum mechanics was very strange, like totally weird. I just shook my head. How this "spooky action at a distance" works was pretty obvious to me: the two electrons are in communication with each other as everything in the universe is connected, duh. When the light bulb guys arrived I showed them this article and they agreed with me, as if I explained to them that the earth revolves around the sun. So there we were, a bunch of non scientists who thought the weirdness these people were freaking out about made sense.

Now I'm sure my opinion is simplistic but I'm a big fan of metaphysics, and I'm beginning to see the shaman, mystic and zen Buddhists are talking about the same thing as physicists and mathematicians, they are merely using a different language to describe their observations. Even the average person like myself is capable of grasping these ideas.

The newest thing is the "string theory" that speculates about multiple dimensions and everything being composed of tiny little string of energy that vibrate. Well yeah. Admittedly there is a LOT about physics that completely eludes me and I have no illusions of understanding anything but sometimes I feel I get a glimpse behind the veil before the weight of logic and the voice of "what the hell do you know punk?" slams me down. But I continue to study physics, the universe and the "unfathomable mystery" of life as Carlos Castaneda's  Don Juan put it. That's OK, It gives me something to ponder while drinking my morning cup of tea.