Friday, December 4

The Tolerance Test

         We like to imagine we are caring and compassionate, but when times are hard and fear a threat, we go into survival mode where we can only afford to care about ourselves, our family and loved ones. And we're in hard times on many fronts. When crisis occurs it's hard to see beyond your own hand. It's understandable, it's instinct. It's easier to care when it doesn't clash with self preservation.

         Meanwhile, we have been brainwashed to think that paying for universal health care (UHC) that contributes to the well being of all of us is wrong because it protects, the farmer in Iowa or the poor black family in Alabama or the rich white college student, you know, people we don't give a shit about.

         Never mind others when you bitch about "socialized medicine" think of yourself, your family and friends when they get sick or have a medical emergency.                 

     You will care when medical costs force you to hold a fundraiser at a local pizza parlor to pay for your sons cancer treatment. You care when you have to choose to pay for your daughter's monthly supply of insulin or the car's insurance. You will care when you have to file for personal bankruptcy because your insurance won't cover treatment during the latest pandemic.

         People pretend to be Christian when good fortune smiles on them but when faced with even the potential for disaster forget about that. When Jesus preached tolerance and compassion for others he didn't mean only the people you love and only in good times and screw the rest.

         Remember the Good Samaritan? He wasn't just trying to make Samaritans look good (though it helped) his point was one day someone will do the same for you regardless of who you are

         So remember when you are spooked away from the same kind of health care safety net enjoyed by citizens in every developed country, you are being told not to care about yourself or those you love because you will have to include, you know, those people.

         By uplifting others, we uplift ourselves.

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