Friday, December 4

Of Days Gone By and Soon To Come


 I can't wait until social distancing signs on the ground are faded and peeling; when the mask is relegated to a hook on the coat rack or stuffed in a drawer.

I dream of the day I can leisurely browse the stacks at the library or go to the theater for the latest movie. I look forward to sitting in my favorite cafe with a cup of tea and gaze at the blustery weather outside.

I wait for calmness to return after a storm of anxiety. I ache for freedom from isolation to sit with a friend on the couch with a glass of wine and share a laugh.

Most of all I long for the day when I can give everyone a big, warm hug.


Jennifer said...

-I see we have the same dream.

Mary Mc said...

Me too (minus the wine)

Martha said...

How simple can simple gifts be....

Touching and hugging.... the face, the smile.


linda mclaughlin said...

A hug is worth more than 1000 words or FaceTime 🤗

Joanne said...

You hit the nail right on it's little head, girl! I, too, need to give and receive HUGS!!