Friday, February 21

Historical Deja Vu

  "If you only like Democracy when it goes your way, you don't actually like Democracy."

We are living in interesting times, as the saying goes and there are plenty of references to prove it, so I’ll let them speak to the dangerous direction our government is going.

“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Martin Niemöller, a Lutheran minister and national conservative, initially supported Adolf Hitler as a self-identified antisemite. As one of the founders of the Confessing Church, which opposed the Nazification of German Protestant churches, he was imprisoned in Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps in 1938 and narrowly escaped execution. He later expressed deep regret at not having done enough to help victims of the Nazis.


“Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them.” -Barry Goldwater.

“When information which properly belongs to the public is systematically withheld by those in power, the people soon become ignorant of their own affairs, distrustful of those who manage them and—eventually—incapable of determining their own destinies.” Richard Nixon.

“We now live in a nation where doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the press destroys information, religion destroys morals, and our banks destroy the economy.” --Chris Hedges.

“If you can convince the lowest white man that he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll even empty his pockets for you.” --Lyndon Johnson.

“[American democracy will fail ] if it is going to use this power to force the world into color prejudice and race antagonism; if it is going to use it to manufacture millionaires, increase the rule of wealth, and break down democratic government everywhere; if it is going increasingly to stand for reaction, fascism, white supremacy and imperialism; if it is going to promote war and not peace; then America will go the way of the Roman Empire.” --W.E.B. DuBois.

“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow lively debate within that spectrum”--Noam Chomsky.

Tuesday, February 18

Autism Files: More on Meltdowns and Overstimulation


Life is filled with stimuli, be it noise, lights, crowds of people, demands on our attention can be overwhelming. When that happens the ASD will often shut down or meltdown, causing frustration and a loss of temper. The common reaction to someone melting is to demand they calm down. This is not going to get a positive response when someone is simply trying to regain control. Sometimes that involves venting and thrashing to dissipate the stress. Leave them alone until they calm down. Shouting at them like a parent scolding a child having a tantrum is not mature. Instead ask "What can I do? What's the problem? Don’t worry this will pass.” Try to show some compassion instead of focusing on how you're affected. The person in distress is not happy either, so everyone chill.

 In Aikido there is a form of meditation called misogi that involves sitting seiza (on your knees), ringing a bell with the whole arm and shouting in Japanese for like- an hour. 

Before my diagnosis each time the experience was awful. I was left feeling stressed, exhausted and my legs numb. Well, now I know why, overstimulation. I flatly refsue to engage in this activity to save my sanity. Sitting in a chair, in a quiet space and focusing on breathing is much better. Lesson learned: noisy, physical activity is not for everyone-especially someone with autism. Don't pressure them to do it even with the best of intentions.

Friday, February 14

Tuesday, February 11

Everyone’s a Little Prejudiced


    A friend was showing me how this new app works when I came across a letter addressed to the CEO of Albertsons Grocery. I was writing to him with my objection to the unproductive policy of having cashiers stand all day unlike in Europe where they can sit and their employees have a respectable wage. I complained of his Indian name and she was appalled at my sneering tone.

    “Half the people I work for are Indian,” She informed me. I am sure they are all perfectly nice people but my experience has been someone calling me at 8 am with a strong Mumbai accent.

    “Hello my name is Bob and I want to sell you something you don’t need.”

    Besides Vivek SanKaran does sound like a corporate CEO with an attitude, suing Kroger after the judge blocked the merger because-- reasons.

    She is right about my tone but, as Avenue Q points out, we’re all a little prejudiced. Nothing wrong with that, as long as we keep it to ourselves. There are, however, assholes of every type so an ethnic modifier is unnecessary. I have been known to be one on occasion for treating stupid people with open contempt. I do point out kindness and tolerance without making distinction because good people are good regardless.

    The lesson here is don’t be an asshole, just pity them, take it from one who knows.

Friday, February 7

Notes From All Over


    I’m back to writing after a month of tangling with the new phone, computer and application upgrades- which are not finished. I had trouble getting texts so I called Consumer Cellular and was told to upgrade the phone’s OS --groan, not again. I tried but we discovered my wifi security is weak- the tech was freaking. Wait a minute, you’re worried about someone using my network as a hot spot while our treasury is being looted by a delusional billionaire and some 18 year old hackers? I don’t what the problem is, I was perfectly happy with my old phone and computer system, despite what I’ve been told.

    Today I offer some random notes found in a pile. Enjoy.

    I have a pet peeve about the use of the word girl. All girl bands, the first girl to (fill in the blank) the girl pilot landing an airplane. Grrrr, these are not girls they’re women. We don’t say the boy on the moon, or boy of the hour. It’s not a term of endearment ( which they don’t need) it’s patronizing.

    Corporations accuse the working class of being lazy while big box stores throw merchandise out instead of donating cause it’s too much trouble to pick up the phone and call Goodwill or St. Vinnie’s to get it. Then there are the pickers who collect high end stuff parked on the curb in rich neighborhoods on trash day. To big companies, people—like their cheap ass products-- are commodities to exploit until deemed useless then tossed aside for someone cheaper. What a bunch of wasteful shits.

    This reminds me that planned obsolescence has degraded quality to produce bad taste in everything from houses, clothing to furniture. Things used to be made to last not produced to replace quickly. I’d rather look for something solidly built at a vintage store than buy some tacky crap at Ikea. It may be heavier to move but it will last a lot longer.

    During the pandemic, there were stories of people attacking Asians in misplaced anger that it was their fault. Why? Because the old Chinese lady, store clerks and cashiers at fast food places, are lower on the social pecking order than the attacker, people powerless to challenge the powerful who are the cause of problems. Like comedy one must aim high not low when ridiculing.

    People who are pissed someone spoiled a movie plot, hunt for leaked footage of a film before release. They are akin to those who don’t mind tiktok or facebook robbing their personal data but get indignant if you look at their cell phone sitting on the table.

    Did I mention how much I hate cell phones?