Friday, August 5

The Power of Compliments



    People who know me might think I can't see things in a positive light because I'm  generally a dark and gloomy sort. Well, I can.

    Everyone loves and deserves a simple, honest compliment. While women get unwanted attention all the time --unless you're old, fat or homely, men apparently are not complimented enough. I make it a point to compliment people whenever I'm out and about.

    In this country, many were raised with the faulty notion that praising a child would lead to egoism. We tend to carry that into adulthood. Self esteem and worthiness has been lost to the dark side of  modern society. The people who created the internet believed it would bring people together, instead it tore us apart with vitriol that is astoundingly mean. What ever happened to civility, compassion, tolerance? You know, the kind of things we were taught by parents, teachers, and religion.

    It's time to recognize and restore the power of  being nice to each other. It costs nothing to show kindness and the appreciation pays big dividends. The world is a lovely place filled with the beauty and compassion when one gets past the loud rancor.

    Apply the Golden Rule and treat others the way you want to be treated. Be kind to people serving you, to you they are just an individual, to them you are in a long line of demanding customers with different needs. I am seriously guilty of impatience and feel terrible when I realize how badly I behave to some poor stranger on the phone or at the store trying to get through a long tiring day. I now make it a point to slow down and be friendly because it's the polite thing to do. Connect with family and friends. Send a birthday card to kin, call an old friend, even if it's just to say hi and chat, they will appreciate it. 

    "An act of kindness, no matter how small is never wasted." Aesop declared. Give your time, money or energy to those less fortunate than you. I was at a book store frustrated while looking for that damn book I can't find, when an older woman struck up a conversation with me. I stopped to chat because she obviously wanted someone to talk to. It was nice trading recipes there in the cookbook aisle.

    Help a charity, either with a donation or volunteering some time. There are good organizations out there and they deserve it.

    Make it a point to give three compliments a week to someone you love, someone you know and a stranger. Remember what goes around comes around.

    Also, have an awesome day you beautiful being.


Martha Snyder said...

Thanks Alisa.... I'm pleased to hear your wisdom. I know you've become a more gracious soul over the years and I always appreciate being the recipient as well.

.... now I only need to more compliments this week.

Cheers, Martha

Marcel said...

Thank you for that, and all your writings.

Joanne said...

Your writing, your attitude and your generosity have improved amazingly in the years I have had the pleasure to know you! And you are sharing a love for miniatures with me!! What gifts - - Joanne