Wednesday, January 16

Shop Talk part 2 teaser

From the sequel to "Shop Talk" I have been trying to write the last couple of months.

      "Oh by the way this came for you," Kleven handed me an elaborate red envelope before skipping back to the front office.
      "Looks like a letter from the Jova," George guessed correctly as he peered over. I opened it and read the contents with growing confusion.
     "What, they can't be serious?" I said incredulous.
     "What?" George asked and Everyone looked at me for an explanation to my outburst.
      "Uh, I may be wrong but this sounds like the Jova want me to join their expedition to Earth, as a translator," I said with disbelief. . . . .
     "Sounds like a easy enough gig. Spend a couple of weeks translating, drink some wine, lay in the sun, why not," Temple suggested. When she put it that way, I reconsidered the proposal. George and Temple watched carefully as I folded my arms and regarded the beautifully designed document as if it were a poisonous snake.
       I remember Madam Shakova saying I would make a good liason and laughing it off. This was seriously over my head and I had zero experience -or skill-at diplomacy. I can barely manage AIL and haven't been to Earth in years. What was she thinking?
       "I'll have to think about it," I decided and put the letter away.

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