Tuesday, February 5

Your Yearbook May be Used Against You in the Future

     I am appalled by the current PC fashion to dig up something stupid someone did decades ago and use it vilify and oust them from office. We all did something stupid, insensitive, possibly illgeal or downright embarrassing in our past. I'm not buying into this "off with their heads" mentally. Instead of bowing to unforgiving Political Correctness, point out said offense was dumb and in the past. Promise to make honest amends and let's move on.
   The mock outrage is not really about what they did long ago, it's just an excuse to get rid of someone purely for political reasons.
    Trent Lott was in Congress for decades when all of a sudden it was revealed that he had supported Sturm Thurmond, who had been in Congress forever, was a known racist. Gasp, yawn, no surprise. Lott was not a nice guy but for very different reasons.What really happend was he pissed off the real powers so they got rid of him with some handy ammunition.
   The media knows and plays along with this bullshit because it's good for ratings and riling up people. A glance behind the curtain exposes the subtefuge. 
   Remember the Gulf War and George Bush Sr. claims of Iraqis terrorizing Kuwait? Babies being ripped from incubators and all that hyperbole? It   sounded like a PR campaign. When "the war" was over and we were done cheering the troops "60 Minutes" did a story about -- guess what? How Bush hired a PR firm to sell the war to the public. Right, the media knew it all along but why ruin good ratings with the truth. The Pentagon even shamelessly admitted they led the press around by the nose and it was greeted with a collective shrug.
   The current president and media have replaced democracy and governing this country with a reality show like "The Apprentice" where we are merely contestants. People get "fired" for ratings and distraction, not for some real public threat.
   Issues like climate change, widespread corruption and rising nationalism can be easily drowned out with gossipy scandal and endless prattling by talking heads.
   I say it's time to cancel this show because the viral delusion it spreads is the real threat to humanity.

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