Friday, April 5

Same Old Shit /Normal vs. Disabled



Same Old Shit, Different Players

         The war in Israel is another shit show. They can spin it however they like but it's still a war against average people just trying to live a normal life despite being marginalized, isolated and contained in designated zones with limited resources, a genocide by attrition like, you know, the ways Jews were treated for a thousand years in the Diaspora. They're repeating the lesson of history too well, let's do to these people what those people did to us.

         I bet if you took a random sample of a hundred Palestinians and Israelis and did a DNA/ genealogy test, they would be distantly related. Horrifying to them I'm sure, but I got a news flash for everybody - we're all related.

         But when a leader feels threatened by a faltering economy, shifting loyalties, or people fed up with say, corruption- like Netanyahu well let's start a war and blame those people to distract from their own sins. Sigh.

         Meanwhile honest, average people are killed en mass and it's sick. How about a concert to get everyone to chill out.

"We are all the same. There is no difference anywhere in the world. People are people. They laugh, cry, feel and love and music seems to be the common denomination that brings us all together. Music cuts through all boundaries and goes right to the soul.

 -- Willie Nelson

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