Friday, October 4

Fake Moon Landing, Real Aliens

(Read as satire)

    When the moon landing happened, some believed it was faked. No, we really did land on the moon, it was an amazing achievement but maybe this   bonkers idea is meant to distract from a far greater conspiracy.

    There is an ongoing theory that NASA and the astronauts discovered aliens were on the moon and it scared the shit out of them. Speculation about their presence was presented by journalist George Leonard shortly after the Apollo missions. Lots of NASA and JPL insiders were showing him photos of artificial structures and the weird things spotted during reconnaissance for a suitable landing site. To this day NASA has no explanation for spots of light that randomly show up and move around on the surface. 

    There is also the bizarre tale by Ingo Swan, a remarkable psychic working with the remote viewing project run by the government. He claimed to have seen alien mining operations there.

    What better way to hide and distract any inquiry about ETs then to spread the claim there was no landing. "Aliens on the moon? Don't be silly, we never even landed there."

Like the conceit of the film "Victor/Victoria" where Julie Andrews pretended to be a man- a Polish Count- pretending to be a woman. "No one will believe I'm a count," She argued. Yes, but they will believe she is a man pretending to be a count. A bigger pretense is used to distract from reality.

    Supposedly the films "A Space Odyssey" and "Capricorn One" in which a landing on Mars was faked, started the rumors and people bought into the fiction.

Isn't it odd that there is a sudden rush to get back to the moon after 50 years of indifference?  Maybe the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) circling for ten years has determined that the ETs left. Recently the Chinese discovered an cave supposedly caused by ancient lava flow on the dark side that could be used for a underground base to protect astronauts from radiation. How convenient--coincidence?

    Wait until they find the monolith.



 Essay on reality of moon landing and debunking conspiracies.

 Somebody is on the Moon -- George Leonard. 

Insertion Ingo Swann


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George Leonard and Ingo Swann are friends of Saul-Paul's. Wacky seeming ideas on the surface but eminently plausible.