Sunday, September 5

How to Save the World

The problem

“In the punditry business, it's considered bad form to question the essential wisdom of the American people. But at this point, it's impossible to ignore the obvious: The American people are acting like a bunch of spoiled brats. . . . The nation demands the impossible: quick, painless solutions to long-term, structural problems. While they're running for office, politicians of both parties encourage this kind of magical thinking. When they get into office, they're forced to try to explain that things aren't quite so simple -- that restructuring our economy, renewing the nation's increasingly rickety infrastructure, reforming an unsustainable system of entitlements, redefining America's position in the world and all the other massive challenges that face the country are going to require years of effort. But the American people don't want to hear any of this. They want somebody to make it all better. Now.”

The columnist points out something that is more and more obvious to many: stop waiting for the media, social science, and most importantly- the government to fix things. Stop struggling with hug, complex problems that seem insurmountable because they seem to require equally complex solutions. We need to fix them ourselves.

The solutions range from micro farming, to being self sufficient to simply learning to recycle. The popular slow food movement which encourages buying and eating local produce was a reaction to corporate food production which has proven to be dubious and un trustworthy in quality.

We can change our lives in so many little ways that have far reaching effect in ways we could ever imagine. As these sources point out, the best way to deal with the big scary world is to reduce it to a manageable level.

Reduce, reuse and recycle is not just a clever slogan it’s a lifestyle we can all embrace.

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