Thursday, July 18

Ben: Stupid Shit


    "Oh not again," I complain as I come home and slam the door.

    "Now what?" Ben is used to my melodramatic outbursts.

    " An old friend is still annoyed about something I did twenty years ago and had to-once again-bring it up. Jesus, why can't people just let go of things? Honestly, we all do this but why?"

    " I don't know," Ben shrugs.

    Impressions linger and can last a long time but a deeper, darker tendency to hold onto past experiences comes to mind.

    "You know Ben, we do stupid shit all the time and we hold onto the emotional impact because we can't let go," I calm myself by making a cup of tea.

    "Some things just can't be forgotten or forgiven for whatever reasons, most of the time we just shrug it off but sometimes we hold onto stuff, however unintentional or insignificant and have to remind others of it."

    "Hey thanks for bringing up some stupid shit I did twenty years ago. I almost forgot how embarrassed I felt about it and hoped you got over it too, but I guess not," I enact this imagined retort with scathing sarcasm.

    "It's pointless and mean and it doesn't do you any good to get worked up about it either," Ben adds calmly, seeing my temper rise. He's right so I sit down to meditate.

    "Now with social media getting a hold of our stupid shit, there's no offense too small to amplify."  I shake my head.

    A woman was loudly booed for not returning a shopping cart properly. I wish I was making this up. If you're a public figure, your entire career can be ruined with one false step.

    "Life is too precious, too short to fault someone over a stupid mistake, a bad hair day or just plain imperfection. There is an Italian saying 'canta che ti passa'- sing and let it pass," I say with a sigh.

     " I got to admit even on your bad days you're better than most. I mean it, I've witnessed some seriously stupid behavior and your restraint is commendable," Ben assures me.

    I stare at him for a long time. I don't whether to be offended or flattered.


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