Friday, August 9

AI Stands for Asshole Ignoramus



         So McDonalds tried to replace it's low paid employees with AI and it was predictably a disaster. How did this happen? Oh a greedy corporation that thought skipping human interaction with customers was a better business model. Considering the level of intelligence of it's current employees, I'm not surprised.

         The last time I went to Mc D's I was waited on by a teenager who looked like Ferdinand the Bull with a nose ring and couldn't make change for a five without consulting the manager.

         AI sounds good on paper but it's an egomaniacs wet dream, why, because deep down these aggrandizing types think they can create a being superior to humans.

Instead it's an idiot savant, a genius at making complex calculations but doesn't know squat about reality. These CEO's heard the magic phrase "You'll save money" and bought into the conceit.

         We are social creatures and those little interactions are important for trust, security and quality control of any business. Self serve at grocery stores have failed to be profitable due to theft, troubleshooting by employees and constant maintenance.

         We are irrational, emotional by nature and dealing with a soulless machine can be frustrating at best and make us hate these damn things even more. Robots can and do replace people when it comes to dull, repetitive, dangerous work, machines making other machines is fine. Working with people is not.

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