Friday, September 20

WTF with Guns

    Gosh the school year hasn't even begun yet and there's another mass shooting. This is what our country has come to and frankly we should be appalled by how other civilized countries view us. A husband in Uganda set his Olympic wife on fire- shocking, gang rape in India, oh my God, a 14 year old shoots up a school -meh.

    The details of this latest incident defies common sense. A father gives a semi automatic rifle as a Christmas present to his son after being questioned by the FBI about his threats and unstable mental health.

    What the fuck was he thinking?

    An assassination attempt is made on a former President with a similar rifle that killed a spectator and not one word is said about gun reform. He now speaks from behind a bulletproof shield and heavy security.

    Before y'all start foaming at the mouth about the 2nd amendment, it does not mean an unfettered, free for all and certainly did not intend weapons that were designed by the military to kill lots of people quickly and easily.

    I am all for a mature adult to own a gun for self defense, hunting and sports. This is one of the reasons there will never be a military coup in this country. We're heavily armed.


     As these multiple shootings demonstrate, we are not being responsible about them. The NRA used to be about promotion and education of gun use--until it was high jacked by extremists who decided it was all about ownership no matter what. The result is an alarming rise in suicides, accidental death of children and the weekly body count by angry youth. "In 2021, 54% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (26,328), while 43% were murders (20,958), according to the CDC."  Pew Research Center

    Would you hand over the keys to a truck to a 14 year old kid ? Would you let him play with a chainsaw without supervision? No, really? But allowing a minor to have a high powered weapon is ok. Hmmm.

    Instead of handing out panic buttons and bullet proof vests to kids let's educate them about the consequences of killing people, after all they got the idea from grown ups shooting co workers or the soon to be ex wife. Let's give them help with whatever screwed up thinking they have so they don't bottle it up like the dysfunctional male role model who never shows emotions until he explodes.

    The cheapest approach is to give these troubled boys an outlet for their dysfunction. Like the arts, drama and music classes that have been cut from schools. Many artists, actors and musicians will tell you that if it weren't for the arts, they would be in prison or dead.

    Never, I mean never, should we allow a minor to use or be in possession of a firearm without adult supervision, who will be held liable for any injury. What mommy and daddy forget is they are legally responsible for little Tommy until he is 18 if he beats someone up at school, steals shit from the store or shoots someone cause they were mean to them. This is why the law went after the parents of the shooter in one case and they charged the father in the latest.

    On his 18th birthday, the Uvalde shooter walked into a gun shop plunked down a considerable amount of money for an semi automatic and ammo to shoot dozens children while the cops stood by. Months later a Texas federal judge struck down a ban on 18 year olds buying a gun claiming violation of the 2nd amendment.

    So let's get this straight- an 18 year old can't buy cigarettes, a lottery ticket or a six pack but he can buy a gun.

    What is wrong with this logic?

    The narrative is not about upholding the right to bear arms, it's letting someone go on a angry rampage. We are doing nothing to stop it because it means having a uncomfortable, challenged debate about how our love of guns has gotten out of control.

Education people. One should not be able to purchase a gun until passing a mandatory gun safety course, present a certificate along with personal liability insurance. Would you sell a car to someone without a driver's license? How about a flame thrower to a 16 year old?

      Yes, you have the right to own a gun, but you don't have the right to endanger others with irresponsible, reckless use.

    There's been break ins in the neighborhood you hear, so you get a handgun and put it in the night stand next to the bed. You may think you're safe. Congratulations, without any knowledge of safe handling, the chance of you accidently shooting someone or your teenage son killing himself has skyrocketed.

    An older couple sees protesters walking past their house and in a panic stand on the lawn waving their guns around. Virtually everyone commented on their poor handling of said weapons.

    The next time there is a mass shooting there should be an immediate one year ban to whatever was used. I'm not talking a ban on handguns, pistols, shot guns or hunting rifles, I mean assault style rifles  with large capacity magazines that fire hundreds of rounds a minute because that's most likely what he will use.

    For those who think it is a slippery slope to banning all guns with the jack booted Feds breaking down your door if we stop the sale of these guns, please explain this faulty reasoning to the victims family.

    All during the Obama era, there was terrified talk about those liberals taking away the guns. You know who fueled this talk? The gun and ammo manufacturers. Cha-ching. It never happened and there are plenty of people on the left and right who won't let his happen with healthy debate and safe reform.

    We can have a society that safely protects children from gun violence and allow responsible owners of a gun for hunting, self defense and sports. Don't let propaganda, hyperbole and base emotions get the way of making us safe and protected from carelessness.


Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly, and I think anybody who doesn't is a danged fool.

Anonymous said...

"The next time there is a mass shooting there should be an immediate one year ban to whatever was used."
I don't know how that could be implemented but I agree with all the rest of it.
- Marcel

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rarely are these school shooters part of a “ well regulated militia.”
And, for the “ ORIGINAL-ISTS” on the Supreme Court, were there M-152 in the Civil War?