Tuesday, September 10




    I fuss over little things because of a compulsion to be neat. Line up the glasses in the cupboard, clean the counter, straighten the picture on the wall, arrange the mail in orderly fashion. Sometimes this need pisses off  people-- especially if it involves them. Even I groan at the time and energy over useless tasks. A therapist would label it OCD  and try to fix it, others might shrug it off as an annoying habit.

    In reality, it's about restoring balance. Somewhere in the world a tree fell, a stone tossed into a pond disturbed the surface, a merchant in Hong Kong tripped on a curb.

    Each act of fussiness is meant to correct the imbalance. Like Newton's law where each action has an equal reaction, or the Butterfly Effect, the concept that small, seemingly trivial events can lead to consequences on very complex systems- all in an attempt to restore balance.

    Now I resist the compulsion to scold myself when I smooth the bedcover or declutter, because each of us with our little quirks are playing our part to balance the universe.





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