Friday, September 6

The Autism Files

    I have been meaning to write a book on autism for some time but worried I had nothing to add to the subject or what angle to take was amid the explosion of  books, blogs and You Tube advice. Then I heard autistic Orion Kelly and knew what I had to say. Get ready for some blunt talk from a disabled old broad who has a lot of baggage to unload.


 Advice for autistics (ASD) and Neurotypical people ( NT)

Stop being a people pleaser.

    One way the ASD will try to be accepted is by pleasing people, fawning, doing unsolicited favors, being helpful. Stop, just stop. It's misplaced, people don't trust someone being friendly and they don't like having their stuff touched--ever. I took my sisters clothes out of the dryer so they wouldn't get wrinkled and folded them, she didn't appreciate it because she hangs up her t shirts. Oh well, my bad.

     Don't try to placate the NT they won't believe you. Your sincerity will look deliberately exaggerated, you must be hiding something. Don't go out of your way to be pleasant, again they will think it's phony- observe that NT over there sitting with co workers, they barely notice each other and certainly don't gush over someone's shirt or bore them with details of last weekend.

    Offer a minimum nod of hi and make no effort to help out if they don't ask. Of course you run the risk of being labeled cold and indifferent so you can't win anyway.

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