Friday, February 28



February 28 2025 is a protest day of no buying at all. People are fed up with the obscene wealth of a very few screwing over the rest of us. How did it come to this?

Decades of hard sell, planned obsolescene and rampant consumerism fueled by unchecked greed. Nothing new here, it’s been going on since the 50’s but it’s reached an end point. Buy the new car, the latest fashion or the fancy gadget. Buy cheap shiny crap that will break, wear out or is useless in two years. Buy more, you’ll be happy, instead we end burdened with things we don’t need and debt we can’t afford.

And for what? We have been brainwashed into thinking more stuff means more affluence. When we are poor we need to be frugal, when we are rich we can be wasteful is the message here.

I was putting away laundry the other day and realized I have too many clothes. Ordinarily I pack the extra to donate but even the thrift store are bulging with castoffs. I know people who have closets full of clothes they don’t wear and garages filled with stuff they don’t use but “it’s too much trouble” to box it up and donate so accessories are left on the curb or tossed. And the rich accuse the working class of being lazy.

These people don’t want us to just buy more shit, they want us to sell our souls—like they did for the illusion of power wealth gives them.

I can go one day without buying anything, in fact I plan to make it a habit. I ask myself, do I really need this. If I can find it used, good. I will buy from a small business that feeds the local economy—even though shopping on line sooo much easier-- thanks to the big corporations being boycotted. I will consider the effort to obtain a product worth it.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Mark 8:36


Anonymous said...

-If you want to donate, Assistance League is a great place, and they fund wonderful programs.

Anonymous said...

I volunteer at a thrift shop that supports the local Service Center. Some people are extremely generous- others extremely needy. Today people spent 0ver$5,000 on goods that, minus overhead, will go directly to help those in need. “What goes around comes around”.
Hopefully the crap trump is pushing around will come back around and bite him in the butt!🤨