Saturday, March 8

The Ultimate Gift List


Every year friends of mine have a group birthday party and ask the guests of honor to submit a gift list. I always like to be as original as possible with gift giving, no Amazon or generics and if I can make a gift, even better.

I’m practical and budget friendly with stuff I ask for but there are some intangible, out of reach things or experiences I wish I could have.

Dinner with Stephen Fry. Fry is arguably the smartest man around. I could listen to him converse on any topic for hours—which he does, on many podcasts, but to have a chance to trades ideas with the man during a great meal, sigh. That goes for movie shop talk with Dame Judy Dench, Jennifer Lewrance or Paul Rudd.

A tour of Adam Savage’s work shop. I loved Mythbusters and Savage’s joy was a delight to behold. Now he has a YouTube channel where he builds all manner of props, tools, gadgets and space helmets, an obsession I share with him.The cave” as his workshop is called, is a maker’s wet dream. I drool at all his cool stuff and would kill to just get a tour of it (some people have and I envy them).

A katana, the sword of the samurai. I came this close to getting one when I went to Japan in 2008. I just got my black belt in aikido and deserved one for my years of training. So me and a couple of aikido folks wandered into a sword shop and I asked to look at one. The male clerk was bored with showing me one until my companion ( the witty wife of a fellow student) referred to me as sensei ( meaning teacher) and he immediately became respectful--the Japanese take martial arts rank seriously. Alas, after some calculation I decided I couldn’t afford it. I regret my frugality to this day.

A novel on the best sellers list. You’d think I would be published after writing for fifty years. Nope. Getting published is much harder than you think. Self publishing isn’t easy either and being autistic doesn’t help. So I write, it goes in a drawer and I dream of having a novel faithfully turned into a hit movie starring Paul Rudd and Jennifer Lawerance.

A full backyard make over. I’m great at interior remodeling but not with gardening. I plant things and they die. You knows those cable shows where a professional crew comes in and remodels a dull drab back yard. Yeah I need that.

Lastly, peace, love and chocolate to everyone I know and love. Happy Birthday, whatever the date, I’m glad you were born.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I somehow mistook your birthday for April 8th. Happy Belated Birthday!!!!