Friday, September 15

Give Now Pay Later


    This Spring I donated to Doctors without Borders' a fine organization doing great work. I felt good about it until I started getting donation requests from multiple non-profits. I was bombarded on a weekly basis begging for money.

         So, my address was put on a mailing list and sold to other organizations for money to hit me up after donating a paltry amount. The endless hand out in the form of  overwrought pleas, complementary address labels and note pads that end up in my recycle bin turned me off completely. I've decided not to donate ever again. I will give what little I can spare directly to those who need it.

         See a homeless person, give them a five or get prepaid debit cards and hand them out (lest you think they will use it to buy drugs, dealers do not accept credit cards).They are inclined to use the gift on practical things like clothes and food. Walk into a local organization and give them a donation, no check, so your address is sold off. Volunteer at a church or community group. Get real action.

         The big charities mean well but studies have shown that direct distribution to be a more effective way to help the poor. You'll have less junk mail too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have found the same thing to be true. Closer to the people seems to work better at least short term