Monday, May 25

Meanwhile back at the ranch-uh teahouse

Here are a couple of photos of the latest progress made. It's hard to tell but the walls have been painted a soft yellow beige. Very restful. Check out the scale model sitting to the left. That's how the shoji ( sliding doors) will look when they put in where I'm standing- only larger of course.

I'm still not sure about the design of the transom above the door. All made by hand, including the artsty pattern on the paper. Pain in the ass to put in place. The entrance will be wood instead of the bamboo mat.

View from the entrance, note the rough reference drawing on the( temporary) door. The mat will be a real tatami when finished this summer I'm hoping, money, energy, and time willing.

Thursday, May 21

Sympathy for the traveler

I had lunch with an old college chum a couple of months ago. She was an Amazonian woman, brassy, full of humor with a big laugh to match. We weren’t close but we enjoyed each other’s company when we occasionally met over the years at a book store or the Saturday Market. I always like talking with her. She had few friends-no boyfriend either-and she was grateful to chat with me.

“This old broad turns lot of people off with the attitude and tactless manner” she apologized.

“Nah, it’s all bark and no bite, besides you’re hardly an old broad. You’re the same age as me.” I told her. She gave a mock look of shock and we laughed at aging ungracefully.

She was still lively as we sat and discussed politics, gossiped and doing a road trip together but I would catch her gazing off with a sense of loss. She had changed I noticed, her laughter was sardonic and she lost interest with the outside world. The passion she so grandly felt for everything was missing. She was animated but it was forced. She was deeply depressed but brushed it off jokingly as disappointment in former President George Bush.

She also had some serious personal demons, I recalled. Although she was smart, she lacked ambition and was unable to stick to one thing. Her indecision caused her to wander academically. She never had a steady job. Part time work, a professional student living off grants or family fortunes.

“I’m just tired of everything.” she suddenly confessed and I nodded, knowing the feeling but I could see she was in deep pain. She was heavier and dazed as if she had seen too much. She admitted that her creativity and love of music was gone. Not a good sign, I thought as I watched her clutch her mug nervously. I tried to cheer her up and she gave me a wan smile in gratitude for the attempt . We hugged tightly as we parted, promising to keep in touch.

I didn’t hear from her again. Messages and e-mail went unanswered. I met a mutual acquaintance a few months later and asked about her.

“Oh didn’t you hear, she committed suicide.” I was stunned by the news but strangely, not surprised. The details were shaky; someone was alarmed by the house being dark and silent for too many days. They found her on the bedroom floor quite cold and gone.

Gone. The image stuck in my head. Just like that, we are here then gone. I shook my head when I thought of the waste, the loss of life. She had so much talent, so much to give. It made me a bit nervous, we were alike in many ways.

I thought about my own struggle to find a place in the world. Life is easier for some than others. Some people can’t out run their demons- Sylvia Plath, actor Oliver Reed, the droll George Sanders whose suicide note allegedly began “Dear world, I am bored”. They fell short of the finish; ending an incomplete life. Did she leave behind a note, would anyone care? Chronic depression is my demon. This may come as no surprise to those who know me but we are all in denial. Who wants to deal with that? Certainly not me.

How many times have we heard of someone who fails at life and wonder “Why didn’t we see the warning signs?” deluding ourselves that such a decision can’t be true. Like the doctor who refuses to believe a patient is really in as much pain as they claim. Can’t be true, no one can endure such- and so we lie to ourselves because the truth is too painful to bear.

Theodore Roosevelt - also given to sharp changes in mood- said “Black care rarely sits behind a rider whose pace is fast enough”. He found relief from his melancholy in the vigorous life. For some of us, it’s constant race against the blackness that threatens to overwhlem us.

The arc of my friend’s life haunted me as I contemplated yet another let down in my life and a familiar heaviness fell on me. My friend’s fear of the known was greater than the fear of the unknown. She took the nearest exit to the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns. That took guts, I mused as I gazed out at another gray Oregon day. Conscience does make cowards of us all I thought as I poured a glass of brandy and saluted an old broad.

Tuesday, May 19

The House of the Broken Spirit

The tea house continues to be the project from hell. Here it is six weeks until the formal dedication ( June 21) but it doesn't look like it will be finished in time due to lack of funds and the lack of energy on my part. After a tough weekend of trying to get ahead, all I have to show for it is minor progress and multiple bruises on my hands. I look like I got in a fight, which I did sort of and the building won.

I suppose one could ascribe some cosmic lesson to all the struggle I've been having with this dream project as a reflection on my life. Why do I go on despite the exhaustion, aggravation and for what? I try to avoid such thoughts because it causes me to foam at the mouth. I am really tired of this thing fighting me the whole time.

We all face challenges in our life that prove to be difficult and feel like giving up but go on nevertherless. Like Lucy tempting Charlie Brown to kick the football only to deny him the chance at the last second with the inevitable result. A theme I never thought amusing but a mean spirited act in an otherwise delightful comic strip.

Now I understand all to well what Charles Schultz was saying and I don't like it one bit but like Charlie Brown I still keep trying to kick that goddamn football without success.

another poem

My Song

My Song travels at the speed of sound.
There are no words,
Because you can not hear them.

My Heart is silent
When I touch the ground,
The winged can not afford to grow roots.

I Hear the thought of others
Going round and round.
I can not catch them all,
Or I will grow dizzy.

Sometimes I feel if I am too quiet
I will disappear,
Making noise is a way to insure,
I am still here.

Friday, May 1

Turn Me On

Since I'm still sick, here's the entry I wrote for last Friday but forgot to post it so it's this Fridays post. Got it?

I was working at the library as usual, doing the CD/DVD polishing thing. While I was waiting on the stupid machine I looked through the cart of new books where I found a book that was so exciting I had to pull it out and look at it. I was oohhing and ahhing and I’m certain there was a fair amount of moaning and whining too. What was the title that could send me into spasms of sensual joy? What kind of reading could send me over the edge of ecstasy?

“500 Kitchen ideas” with full color photos! Inlaid floors, under cabinet lighting and my favorite -appliances (the old fashioned blue enameled stove was to die for). Forget about beefy shirtless studs, forget Brad Pitt, you want to turn me on- get me a subscription to Architectural digest. Floor plans, open beam ceilings and how to convert an old cabinet into a funky vanity-that’s my kind of porn.

I’m not like other women, no- I don’t shop for clothes and only have three pairs of shoes. I much prefer the the power tools department at Jerry’s home improvement. I see a radial/chop saw and I begin to drool.

Needless to say the future boyfriend will own a pick up truck and have a great wood shop.