Monday, July 30

Olympic Inequality

I love the Olympics but I despise the coverage by NBC. I can't seem to find another decent source. I think it's great that women compete but the media isn't interested in the less glamourous sports. You know, the ones where women aren't in skimpy outfits. Beach volleyball, which isn't a real sport if you ask me- they wear tiny bikinis. The men? How about baggy shorts and a tank top. Hey, I want to get my beefcake too, they got to wear speedos.

There's nothing like the Olympics to remind us how misogynistic men can still act. They don't know how to handle a woman who looks like this. Or this. Only at the Olympics are sixteen year old girls considered women, in gymnastics. (It's the whole mass, muscle ratio thing that requires teenage girls.) They're darling and they are, but I would not want to be on the wrong side of a fight with one of them. So stop referring to them as cute and posting their weight.

It's time we treat the female athletes with the same respect the men get.

Monday, July 23

It's The End of The World As We Know It.

People like to believe they are living in the end time. Why? Why would they want to live in a time of plagues, earth upheavals, nature in revolt and extreme weather culminating in the destruction of humanity? Because it makes people feel special, they will survive the destruction and damnation applies to other folks. The chosen few, the strongest, fittest, the most worthy will repopulate the earth the right way. Such anticipation feels the righteous with almost fatal glee while the rest of us are stuck with the suspicion that things really do suck.
The last two decades sure feel like the end time if the  rise of an indefinable yet palatable sense of fear is to be considered. Let's look at the symptoms:
The hoarding of wealth. There is tons of data on how the rich are getting richer- and not spreading the wealth around as they usually do in good times- and how the poor are getting poorer, heightening the the feeling of insecurity in the future. Like a poker player who feels his luck has run out nobody is making bets.
Turning on minorities. Ah the successful tactic (see Hitler and Germany) of turning on a minority to blame for all of society's problems. Just fill in the blank with whatever minority can be vilified,is no real threat to society or has little political power. Be it illegal immigrants,a different religion/ideology from the dominant majority or a group that is well, different. Fear of the unknown triggers a fear of anything outside of the status quo. Get rid of  those people and everything will return to normal.
Band aid fixes. The Earth is in trouble because of human activity. There's plenty of debate on that, but either way we are encountering environmental change and we better adapt or die. Reducing energy consumption and using resources more wisely are noble gestures but they are just that -gestures. Engaging in feel good, politically convenient band aid fixes that reduce complex interconnected problems to superficial behavior modification only deludes people into thinking they are changing the world without really changing the world How Decartesian. How pathetic. The partner in this delusion is the reliance on technology. 
We have traded spirituality for technology to compensate for our short comings. We operate under the faulty assumption that technology advancement is the same as species advancement. After all, this is often the criteria for judging the intelligence of other animals. But what if we have reached the limits of technological skill and it's making things worse not better. What if we gave up questioning the moral, ethical long term consequences of our actions in favor of the clever sexy solutions tool making offers?
The rise of religious fundamentalism. Joining in the fight are the people who invented persecution. About twenty to twenty five years ago, a paradigm shift in spirituality began and  humans subconsciously figured out reality was changing. The entrenched ideology did not respond well to this. So people reacted the way most do when their world view is challenged: panic, retreat. When the skeptical agnostic is suddenly struck ill they fall back on their old religious upbringing- just in case.  There are no atheists in foxholes and when a big upheaval arrives it puts the fear of God in everyone. Just in case.Velikovsky's "Worlds in Collision."  has plenty of examples of human reactions to calamity.
So the orthodox demand everyone shape up or else. The media joins in with Chicken Little predictions designed to stir up the public because that's their job. The result is the 2012 Mayan  calendar. Except  it's just the end of a cycle not the end of time.. Meanwhile, zombies are coming- better stock up on food, guns/ammo, go into survival mode, pray to God.
Sound familiar?
Most metaphysics and spiritual devotees say everyone should calm down. The shift is about our next leap in spiritual maturity. We need to outgrow our adolescent tendencies to hyperbole emotions, physical violence as an answer to any provocation and generally acting like spoiled brats. 
Look how religion deals with the change that happens every 500 hundreds years or so. In the modern era the first big shift was the rise of christianity- a reaction to the wide economic, social and spiritual gap in society. The same for Islam about 600 years later. Then there was the split between Roman and Orthodox churches in 1054 C.E. The  Protestant Reformation occurred 500 years ago.  We are overdue for another revolution in thought to take hold. If the interesting times we live in are any indication- you better hold on to your hat cause it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Wednesday, July 11

A Poem to Ponder

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say, stay in there, I'm not going
to let anybody see you.
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I pour whiskey on him and inhale
cigarette smoke
and the whores and the bartenders
and the grocery clerks
never know that
he's in there.

there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too tough for him,
I say,
stay down, do you want to mess me up?
you want to screw up the works?
you want to blow my book sales in Europe?
there's a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I'm too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody's asleep.
I say, I know that you're there,
so don't be sad.
then I put him back,
but he's singing a little
in there, I haven't quite let him die
and we sleep together like that
with our secret pact
and it's nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don't
weep, do you?

Charles Bukowski "The Last Night of the Earth Poems" c. 1992

Quote of the Day

The Bullies Behind the Bullying

In all the talk about bullying teenagers there is a glaring ignorance of the influence adults have on kids. What’s happening is not just peer pressure, it’s an distorted attempt by teens to imitate adults. Years ago disgruntled employees were getting a gun and shooting the mean people at work. Adolescents saw the adults “going postal’ and the school shootings began. 

You can’t call someone a nigger or spic without a quick scolding from an adult. But call some kid a queer, fag or dyke- no response. It doesn’t matter if the victim is gay or not, the kids use it as a weapon against those perceived as weaker. Teens are not stupid, as long as they are not forcibly stopped, they can get away with the bullying. This confidence extended to kids recently bullying an adult. A bus monitor old enough to be their grandmother. All of it captured on video and posted for all to see without fear of reprisals. 

“Where did kids get this idea from?”  the distraught adults ask. They got it from us. We hear how gays are targeted on a daily basis in the media and it’s acceptable to teens because the adults are engaging in the same kind of vile name calling.  As long as adults-whatever their agenda-do nothing, the violence will continue.

It’s the adults who need to act as role models in this issue and we are failing. Understanding the boundaries of insult politics comes with age and experience but teenagers have not developed the emotional aptitude to handle the subtle and complex rules adults play by. They see how divisive our culture is and echo it in their behavior.

The important question is not why are the kids behaving this way, it’s why are the adults behaving this way?  Is the harassment is an attempt by a larger society to reduce the empowerment and existence of gays by eliminating them at an early age with assistance of childish cruelty. Since politics are more important to adults than teens committing suicide they  give tacit approval of such behavior with their silence.

Another part of the problem is how adults react to complaints of bullying. Every attempt is made to contain, suppress or avoid the issue rather than treat abuse for what it is: a crime. Rarely is it recommended to report the physical assaults to law enforcement. This attitude is an extension of the “we’ll settle this among ourselves” mentality carried over from- guess where? the adolescent culture where adults are not to be trusted.

Why are bullied kids so often the ones expelled from a school not the bullies? Are bullied children considered weak? Are the parents also seen as weak? Are the victims low on the pecking hierarchy and so deserve the punishment? Again, we see adults and adolescents are mimicking  each other’s behavior.

The condoning of bullying by the adults encourages further bullying. They see it as an acceptable part of growing up. “That which doesn’t destroys you, makes you stronger” . Except it doesn’t as bullying continues into the adult world. When the workplace bully is stopped it’s because of their impact on productivity not civility. If we want to stop the domineering boss we should start with the high school bully; that’s where they are created.

Children are being told not to fight back for fear of escalation but many see this as a suppression of the instinct to defend oneself. One wonders if school administrators and teachers aren’t reacting to the present bully the way they did when they went to school. Ignore them and the problem will go away. The behavior of the bully boss or the mediators in human resources mimic the same dynamics of the typical high school. 

And so the cycle continues until we recognize our younger selves in these kids and stop the bullying now.

Wednesday, July 4

Talon Tales "Zoe and Toby are NOT for Sale"

        “Well so much for that plan.”  I muttered to Toby in disgust as two guards lead us out of the drunk tank the next day- for good, if the alarmed expression on Tivoli’s face was any indication.
“No, we just revise it.” Toby said causually. We marched down a series of halls and a descending stairway .
“What about Tivoli?” I asked as we turned another corner, oblivous of the guards overhearing us.
“Screw him.” Toby retorted shortly. Apperently I was distracting him from his minute examination of everything.
We arrived at a formal garden decorated with a profusion of flowers and plants. A fountain gurgled happily somewhere amid carefully cut hedges. In the center was a canopy of white silk shading Gandolph, and a guest lounging on a padded divan of velvet, totally inappropriate in this heat. Good God, I thought, this man had no taste at all.
There were four guards, the two who escorted us and two who came with the trader; a suspicious pair with swarthy complexions and long hair that draped their shoulders. They looked like Scottish pirates in loose white shirts with an open collar and long puffy sleeves. Their tapered edged kilts were trimmed in fringe and they wore soft leather mocassins that reached to their knees.  A very large man with bushy sidburns and heavy brows stood behind Gandolph’s seat.
I viewed the other man, obviously his buyer, with contempt, the idea of buying another human being revolted me to no end.  He rose and carefully observed us like cattle. I felt naked under his probing gaze as he walked over to get a better look at us and I realized with a shock it was Daedelus. His brow did a tiny jump to convince me I wasn’t seeing things.
It was him and the disguise was pretty good.  A white head dress draped over his head and  shoulders completely hid his blonde hair. His face was tanned and he wore elaborate cloaks of red and orange brocade over a bright blue silk shirt and a sash the color of a shimmering peacock. The abundance of jewelry he wore not his style at all. An ornate jangling bracelet kept getting caught in his outer robe. 
“Well what do you think Kazel?” Gandolph asked eagerly in his thin lisp. Daedelus’  expression was unchanged as he glanced at the Prestige and continued his examination of us.
“The woman has demonstrated exceptional warrior skills and will make good breeding stock.” he went on like a cars salesman. Oh for heavens sake I inwardly groaned at his crude assessement.
“Are you certain these are exotics?”  Daedelus asked in a thick accent with rolled r’s and wide vowels.
“Oh please, observe their garb and they were carrying these.” he snapped his fingers and the burly man placed our backpacks on the ground next to Gandolph. Toby’s eyes widen for an instant before resuming his sullen gaze. He looked calm but I knew he was a coiled spring waiting for release. Daedelus gave a snort of disdain, barely interested. Man as a slave trader this guy plays hard to get. Obviously he was working an angle to get the best price. He stood in front of me, looking me up and down.
“You don’t look like you can disarm a man with your bare hands.” he challenged and I took the hint. I gave him my best bitch with PMS stare.
“What’s it to you asshole.” I snapped. Gandolph yelped and leapt to his feet, nearly tangling his legs in his ridiculously fussy robe.
“How dare you speak that way to-” Deadelus cut him off with a raised hand. He smiled, amused at my bravado. Gandolph reluctantly sat down. Deadelus turned his attention to Toby, who he had pointedly ignored. He scanned him up and down critically then reached out with a finger, running it seductively along Toby’s cheek. 
  I held my breath. Toby has a strong dislike of being touched - especially by men. His machoism makes him overreact to masculine displays of affection. He stood stock still and both men stared at each in silent confrontation. Aburptly Daedelus returned to his seat and I breathed again. 
“Before we get to negotiations, allow me to demonstrate the women’s warrior skill.” Gandolph announced enthusiastically and motioned to his hulking bodyguard. 
“I don’t have time for this.” Daedelus snapped, trying to hurry the transaction along. Though he remained passive I could sense he was  horrified. His hand twitched nervously.
“I insist.” Gandolph said with obvious glee. He wanted a show and wasn’t going to pass up an opportunity to see for himself whatever rumors about me were true.  
Gandolph ordered our escorts to hold Toby who was ready to go ballistic any second. The guards behind Deadelus cautiously put their hands on their own weapons looking to him for a signal but he did not move.  I glanced at Daedelus and there was a flicker of fear in his eyes. 
If Gandolph was smart, he wasn’t going to let his merchedise get damamged in front of a potential buyer, this was for show only. Then I rememebered he wasn’t smart. I backed away. “Zoe.” Toby hissed under his breath as he strained against the guards.
“Stay out of this Toby.” I shot him a warning that I meant it. I was not going to get into another brawl in so many days.
The bodyguard drew his short sword out with a scraping sound and stood facing me. He took up an attack stance, feet wide, swaying gently as he held the bayonent length sword. I focused my attention and stood with one foot slightly in front of the other in a relaxed but alert stance. There was noting to do but wait for his attack. He lurched forward with an exploritory stab and I stepped aside smoothly. He poked at me again, grinning maliciously.
It was apparent this guy knew nothing about fighting and was probably a lousy bodyguard. I wasn't worried as the fellow lumbered at me, a smirk on his face. He was so impressed with the task of taking on a small unarmed woman, he grinned like an idiot.
Well let’s get this over with I decided and waited for his next telegraphed move. This time I stayed put as he dove at me with his sword. A split second before the tip reached me I turned aside and took hold of his outstretched hand, catching him by the wrist. I turned him in a half circle then stopped aburptly and folded his hand back on his forearm as I snatched away the sword. The momentum of the throw pitched him into the air as I held onto his wrist. His skull made a firm thunk sound as his head and shoulders connected with the ground and he was knocked out cold. All of this happened in three seconds. I now had the blade in my hand. I walked over and stuck it into the ornate wooden table before the stunned men.
“Very entertaining.” Daedelus broke into a broad smile and applauded. “I’ll take the  woman as well.” 
“But I thought you were only interested in the man.” Gandolph sputtered. His big show backfired.
“Hey if I go, she goes.” Toby demanded hotly. Daedelus shook his head.
“I am not interested in your wishes. Qadai  for what you are asking for the man I will take both” he said with great irritation. There was a strained silence as Gandolph considered the turn of events.
      “Oh very well.”he mumbled. He looked as crushed as a child who lost his favorite toy.   
Deadelus held a discussion with one of his guards who walked off to return a moment later with a large trunk. It was placed on the low table next to the embedded knife and opened. Small gold bars gleamed in the light. Whatever misgivings Gandolph had a minute ago vanished at the sight of the small treasure.
“So good dealing with you Qadai. We will come again when the portal brings more, yes?” Deadelus babbled cheerfully as he motioned for us to follow him and this entourage. We grabbed our packs as we left.
“Oh yes anytime Kazel.” Gandolph was hardly paying attention.
What a sucker, I was sorry the people of Hiron were stuck with him.

The Week in Unsurprising, Non Shocking Revelations.

The Higgs Boson exists. For those of you who are asking "What the Fuck is a Boson?"

Anderson Cooper is gay. For those of you who were clueless on this one, better luck next time.

The Healthcare Act is upheld by SCOTUS.  But boy was the media surprised. I wasn't. The insurance companies love this because they will be richer.

Tuesday, July 3

Rant of the Day

It's official, there are people in Congress who have no manners what so ever.  When we are not bombarded by the nannerings of tasteless politicians, we are subject to the rants on twitter, facebook and youtube. Someone videos a bus monitor beings verbal harrassed by children young enough to be her grandchildren and it goes viral. It was another youngster who posted that video- What were they thinking? How did the parents react?

We have lost all sense of privacy, decency and politeness. We have forgotten how to consider other people's feelings. We don't know how to apologize anymore.No one takes responsibility for their words or actions because well, it's the victims fault not ours.

 I don't know where these Neanderthals were raised but I was taught not to swear in public
( guilty of this however), be respectful of elders and not to intrude on other peoples space with loud talking, behavior or actions.

Perhaps it's time to bring back a class on manners from elementary school up to College graduation. Good God people let's be civil.