Sunday, December 3

How to End Wars



   Humans have dealt with conflicts for centuries with war and it's about time we stop this shit. I have a idea to resolve conflict that is easier, cheaper and most importantly, doesn't involve killing mass amount of innocent people just trying to live.

         Mud wrestling. Each side choices a champion, there will men and women's divisions because women do represent half the population you know, the winner will be determined on a point system by judges of grandmas from neutral countries. The competition will start with snacks for the crowd-no alcohol please, and 30 minutes of cat videos to put everyone in the right mood before the main event. All fighting between parties will halt for five years until the next games. It'll be like the Olympics only with a better pay off. Broadcast the show and the ratings will be awesome. Is this silly? Of course it is but that's the point.

         We need to get together and petition the UN with this idea to end warfare over religion, real estate, and power hungry politicians grandstanding.






1 comment:

MM said...

I think I'll appoint/anoint you with the lofty position of Secretary of State. War could be so entertaining under your reign!