Wednesday, September 30

So much for compassion

I found this fascinating. There have been other cases where a hospital has denied visitors to someone critically injured or dying. I wonder at the logic behind the policy. Are they really afraid a loved one will interfer with treatment or something else? Are they afraid maybe they will be sued if someone witnesses them fucking up treatment? I'd like to ask those involed with denying visitation this: If you are in a strange hospital after suffering illness or injury who would you want comforting you, a total stranger or someone you know?

Hospitals are meant to be a place of healing and many accomplish this thank you very much but when they screw up like this, very publicly- it should give them pause to consider the right of the patient over their desire to protect some abstract policy that can have unintended or nasty consequences. Jackson Memorial Hospital owes the deceased woman's family an apology.

And if you think this could never happen to you. . .

Monday, September 28

And they think Polanski is sleazy

Once again the media displays towering unintended irony and put their foot in their mouth. In the latest frenzy involving Roman Polanski they have ignored the victim's desire for privacy even after her dig at said media for intruding on her privacy.

"What happened that night, it's hard to believe, but it paled in comparison to what happened to me in the next year of my life," she said last year, when she appeared in a documentary about problems with the case. In the end, she was relieved when Polanski fled because reporters stopped calling.

"He did something really gross to me, but it was the media that ruined my life," she told People in 1997. Geimer did not comment Sunday, when the events of 31 years ago resurfaced once more and reporters started knocking on her door again.

Some people never learn.

Urban creatures keep out!

This may be the Chinese Year of the Ox but at my house it was the summer of the raccoon. They love our neighborhood. They are not shy or easily scared off and are very smart. I once had a whole family living under there so normally it’s not a problem. They stayed out of the way and moved on but this one was- a teenager.This one decided to make a nest under my house. He knocked over the garbage and scared the neighborhood cats. He even thought he was bad enough to go after the house mate's dog. Big mistake.

I was sleeping with the bedroom window open when I was awakened in the middle of the night by the loud yelping of a dog and house mate yelling then a loud crash. I waited for my adrenaline rush to settle down before getting out of bed to see what happened. I found the house mate dabbing hydrogen peroxide on the hind quarters of the dog and dabbing some on his leg where a trickle of blood ran down.

“What the hell is going on?”

He explained that he had let Willie, the dog, out for a pee when the raccoon bit a chunk out of him - not a thing to do when anyone is doing their business- the house mate then tried to hit the the critter with a nearby shovel but missed and crashed through the back yard gate. I went out to find the said gate in pieces on the ground. I was really sorry woke up for this.

After that the house mate was out for blood. Nobody messes with his willie. He would prowl the yard with a very sharp machete, which I didn’t think was very practical.

“Maybe I should call animal control and see if they can handle this.” I suggested, dreading the carnage of a decapitated raccoon in my driveway.

It turns out that the city animal control doesn’t deal with wild animals. What? They only deal with domesticated animals. Wimps. I was advised to go to a pet supply store and get a live trap. Forget it, a live trap for this big, sneaky monster would have to be the size of a VW. I asked a friend who lives in the country how he handled them.

“I got one neighbor who feeds them and another who shoots them, It works out.” He shrugged. That was no help. He offered in a sincere tone I could bring it out to his property if I caught it.

“So you could shoot it?”

“Yeah.” he answered brightly with an evil grin.

Now I’m all for catching and releasing animals into the wild but with this beast, I was tempted to use a gun. The fourth of July was coming up so maybe the cops wouldn’t notice the illegal discharge of firearms in city limits but another heavily armed friend didn’t think it was a good idea either -too many things to hit by mistake. So the machete was replaced by a pellet gun and after numerous pot shots that missed the fat bastards rear end, I realized how right my well armed friend was.

After weeks of the house mate improving his aim on the beast, I managed to cover the portals to the underside of the house. The loss of room and board and a less stress free environment sent the unwanted house guest packing. Not before the little shit ate the grapes on the vine in my yard. Good riddance I say, the house mate was contemplating a grenade.

Friday, September 25

Oh grow up people!

I was thinking one morning while sipping tea, cause that’s what I do, sip tea and think deep thoughts. Anyway, I was thinking about how adults react when they discover teenagers are having sex and even gasp- having babies. They act like this is abnormal, immoral and proof of the evil influence of pop culture and so on, but it isn’t. What’s abnormal is the exaggerated shock that young adults are behaving exactly as nature intended. We are designed to procreate at an age when our bodies are in full hormonal bloom. If they are not emotionally ready to care for a child they rely on the guidance of the tribe, clan or family. It does take a village to raise a child.

I think the reaction comes from a misguided and romantic desire to extend childhood as long as possible. Since we live longer, then childhood should be longer goes the logic. Adolescence as a distinct age is a post WWII concept. In the old days you were a child until you were old enough to handle a tool and put to work, or when you married-young- and had a baby. End of childhood.

We need to treat teenagers like the young adults they are and help them to maturity. In the process maybe the adults will grow up too.

I was just thinking.

Thursday, September 24

Put down the soda pop and step away

At last a study that proves what I suspected all along.
See, I knew this because I was a big coke drinker and I really put on the pounds. Drinking diet pop doesn't count as healthy because the artificial sweetners are just as bad if not worse. I'll post a link when that study comes out.

Wednesday, September 23

Pray to Jesus and you can get away with Murder

It amazes me amid all the talk about "protecting children" how easily they die at the hands of their parents who get away with it.

Worthington, who treated his dying 15-month-old daughter with faith healing rather than taking her to a doctor, was convicted of second-degree criminal mistreatment. In the long history of child deaths associated with the Followers of Christ church in Oregon City, Worthington is the first church member to be convicted for shunning medicine in favor of faith healing. Ava Worthington died in March 2008 while church members gathered around her for prayer, "laying on of hands," anointing her in oil and administering small amounts of wine.

That's right, they prayed to Jesus instead of taking their child to the hospital for treatment like a real fucking parent would do. The kid dies, the parents get a slap on the wrist because gosh, we wouldn't want to supercede someone's faith.

I am reminded of a classic story. There was an old man whose faith in the Lord was strong. His house was threatened by flooding but he refused to leave. The National Guard came by his house in a jeep insisting he come but he waved them away.
"The lord will save me." he told them. The waters rose to the roof of his porch where he sat in his rocker. A rescue boat came by to ferry him to safety but again he refused "The lord will save me." he said. Finally the flood engulfed his house until he was perched on the very top of the roof and a helicopter flew in to rescue him. He was determined not to abandon his faith in God. "The lord will save me." he shouted and waved them off.

Well he drowned and went to heaven. One day he sees the lord and goes up to him and asks why he wasn't saved. The lord looked at him and scoffed "I sent you a jeep, a boat and a helicopter and you still didn't listen."

When your child is sick and dying trust that the doctor you take them to is an agent of the lord. All others deserve to spend a long time in prison for manslaughter.

Saturday, September 19

San Francisco ghost

After seeing reminisces from siblings and old friends on Facebook about our younger days in SF, I’m struck by how absent I was from that world. There are few photos of me from that period. Despite the Grand Central Station feel of our household I remember my teenage days spent almost entirely alone. I did have friends but I didn’t hang out with the various characters who wandered through our house on Haight St. I didn’t . I didn’t get drunk, get laid or go partying with the family.

Why didn’t they ask me to come along? One day I came out of my cave to find the house empty. A two story Victorian with six bedrooms where there was always someone around; family, friends, lovers, someone buying some dope - empty. When Mom and company returned I demanded to know why I was not invited on the impulsive trip.

“We figured you would say no so we didn’t bother.” came the logical and insensitive reply. Meaning, “We didn’t know you were there.” I was used to be ignored in my father’s house, where I was just a piece of furniture but it hurt terribly that I was still invisible. Maybe I just didn’t fit in, my family was a little weird. Mom said I “disapproved” of whatever was going on. I was a prude, I don’t know why, but it was my loss.

Adolescence is supposed to be wild, adventurous and even a bit embarrassing but it didn’t happen that way because I was an angry little shit. I hate that kid now. While everyone was out enjoying life I sat in my room and brooded- I still do. I locked myself away in misery, floundering in a sea of hormones with no self esteem in sight. I could have enjoyed being outrageous like everyone else- the Halloween parties alone were legendary- but I missed out on it all. Deep down I longed to be included but I was too sensitive to remove my surly mask.

My Kind of Guy

Former model Dakota James, my idea of a good looking guy. Sigh, where can I find a teddy bear like this?

When Bicycles Dream

The sky was littered with voluminous clouds dazzling in the late afternoon light as I soared among them; wings tilting one way then the other. I reveled in the tightly coiled power of supersonic speed, steel skin slipping through the air effortlessly. I looked at the klunky earth below, laughing at the freedom from it’s heavy surface. Ah such release from it’s - Suddenly I lost control and was yanked sideways.

“Oh come on, you stupid bike.” a familiar voice jarred me from my reverie. Now awake I found myself being pushed to the back yard while my blond owner grumbled. I was back to the reality of being an ordinary bike. Back to the drudgery of a glorified mule whose sole purpose was to carry lard butt around town. Back to being chained to parking meters and stop signs lest I be stolen by roaming thieves who would strip me of my vital parts in record time, or leave me crippled with only one wheel. I shivered as I glanced up at the cloud filled sky and remembered.

Why couldn’t I be a F-14 fighter jet instead of an old 12 speed bicycle ? Oh well, one can dream.

Friday, September 18

Igorance is Bliss

The schools are failing, our kids are being taught nonsense, religion should be back into the classroom and our President is trying to indoctrinate kids. What do these critics come off thinking education is a bad thing? Educators are rightly disturbed by such hysteria. Superintendent George Russell writes:

“. . .the discussion about American education has wandered adrift. Education is easily faulted as the cause of too many problems in the United States. It’s a blame game that alienates citizens from their schools — and educators from the public they serve. It encourages people who have never taught or led a school to think they know how to “fix” them. And it sets the stage for the sort of invective we witnessed as the 2009 school year began. It has long since outlived its usefulness. Indeed, it’s becoming destructive.”

How were Pot Pot and the Khmer Rouge able to turn Cambodia into the killing fields? By eliminating all the intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, journalists.The country was reduced to a population of serfs. How is Afghanistan going to rid themselves of religious fanatics? By building schools where boys and girls get educated. When the Taliban shows up to object, they are run out of the village.

When people who see learning as a threat to the status quo, who see it as corrupting, who feel threatened by knowledge- it’s time to act. It’s time to protect education from those who would desire a return to the dark ages.

Thursday, September 17

Don't be silly, the recession is over.

Thank God for Ben Berniecke thank God we can finally go back to spending our non-existent money from our non-existent jobs on endless shiny crap. If the government can run up a trillion dollar debt so can we now that the recession is over.Viva la credit card!

Monday, September 14

Civility is Dead

Tennis champion Serena Williams has an angry outburst at a match where she threatens the line judge. Representative Joe Wilson rudely interrupts the President during his speech to Congress. Kanye West spoils Taylor Swift’s acceptance speech at the MTV music awards, disagreeing with her award. What do these people have in common? A lack of manners.

Not only is civility dead, but no one seems to miss it. A good measure of any society is how it’s citizens behave toward each other. I don’t know about these folks but I was raised to be polite and though I am just as guilty of lapses ( I cringe whenever I commit a faux paux), one should strive to be courteous. The “golden rule” applies to everyone for a reason.

We live in a culture where people have become self absorbed and impulsive, encouraged by a instantaneous media that guarantees offenders a forum for their actions. No apologies or giving lame excuses are more fashionable than genuine chagrin.

While discussing with friends the reason behind teenagers shooting each other at schools, I offered that the answer was obvious- they learned it from adults. Someone is fired so they go back to kill the manager. A husband or boyfriend shoots his ex. Adolescents are taught this is how adults deal with differences. Pick up a gun and shoot someone. Don’t be surprised when you hear a teenager yelling vulgarities or threatening other with bodily harm. They are being taught by immature grown ups who do the same thing.

We pay lip service to the idea of setting an example for children but we are sadly lacking on delivery. Even when someone misbehaves it’s shrugged off as no big deal. Never mind children, how does the boorish behavior of these people reflect on the rest of us?

In the dojo we are taught to say thank you, to be humble and respect others. Those lessons need to be brought to every daylife and perhaps we can unlearn the bad examples we are setting.

Sunday, September 13

A formal portrait

Ah, I love my teahouse. Whenever I'm feeling stressed or need a break from life, I go out to the teahouse and just sit. It's so restful and summer sunsets are beautiful to watch.

Friday, September 4

Make me want to dance!!!

This the coolest fucking idea I have ever seen and proof that there is joy in the world. Check out the many "flashes" on Youtube.

Don't worry, be happy part 2

See, I told you so.

Gay marriage is not the end of the world as we know it.

Wednesday, September 2

Don’t Worry, Be Happy

I don’t know about you but I’m overwhelmed by all the vitriol being spewed on both sides of the health care reform debate. Or the same -sex marriage debut, and the value of torture-excuse me “enhanced interrogation techniques” was it good or bad? And how about the bank bail out? Sheesh if any of the dire predictions of doom, catastrophe and the fall of our civilization are true we are in deep, deep shit.

Now wait a minute. Let’s get real here. Have any of the extreme claims from past controversies ever come true? No. When women sought the right to vote, the critics said it would lead to the end of civilization as we know it.

“ I do not wish to see the day come when the women of my rac in my state shall trail their skirts in the muck and mire of partisan politics. I prefer to look to the Americna woman as she has always been, occupying her proud estate as the queen of the American home, instead of regarding her as a ward politician in the cities. As the mother, as the wife, as the sister she exercises a broader and deeper and mightier influence than she can ever exercise ro hope to on the stump and in the byways of politics in this land.” - Rep. Clark of Florida speaking to his colleagues in 1915.

This turned out to be exactly the opposite of what happened. When Truman deesegregated the military, the critics were sure it would erode unit cohesion. It didn’t happen. ( ironically the same claim is being made if “don’t ask, don’t tell” is repelled but I’m getting ahead of myself). Now we hear that the government is going to take away our guns, the socialists are taking over and gay marriage will destroy society.

"It does not affect your daily life very much if your neighbor marries a box turtle. But that does not mean it is right... Now you must raise your children up in a world where that union of man and box turtle is on the same legal footing as man and wife." A line from the text of a prepared speech to the Heritage Foundation by Senator John Comyn (R-TX) that he deleted.

 "One thing is certain, these snappy comparisons make great talking points. Such emotionally-laden statements get noticed pretty quickly. But since we’re really only talking about consenting adults who want to marry each other, comments like these are also irrelevant." Jim Burroway on Senator Comyn's prepared speech and similar references by Bill O'Reilly, Senator Rick Santorum and Rev.Jimmy Swaggart. -Quote

OK. Let’s all just step back for a moment, take a deep breath and consider the impact of hyperbole and wild speculation on what ever issue is being debated. Afterall the more outrageous the claim the less likely it will happen.

A lot of things will change whether we like it or not. Health care coverage may get better or worse or not change at all. Other countries have managed it, so can we. But the only way we’re going to find out is to allow events to happen and adjust accordingly instead of running around like the sky is falling. Humans have a great capacity to adapt to change and create new environments. We managed with women’s suffrage, desegregation, and now with bringing adequate health care to all American citizens.